Connection Church is a very diverse family. Different people have different needs and interests. Because of this, we have developed many ministries groups that are tailored to those different needs and interests. They include multi-faceted men's and ladies groups, study groups, interest groups, and serve groups. Each of these groups is connected directly to our mission - "To build Christ-centered lives and build relationships with people that allow them to experience the love of God."
We encourage everyone to discover and participate in one or more of these opportunities. It is where we develop relationships, where we grow spiritually, and where we learn to find and fulfill purpose in our lives.

The Edge - Youth Ministry
Our goal is to help students sixth grade through high school develop a passion for Jesus and a compassion for others that they don’t graduate from their faith when they graduate from high school. We seek to accomplish this by encouraging students to develop a personal relationship with God, creating environments where they can build Christ-centered relationships with fellow students and caring adults and helping them discover God’s calling for their lives to impact their spheres of influence. We meet on Wednesday nights at 7:14 in The Attic and Sunday at 11:30 am for Teen Connection.

The Ladies' Connection
The Ladies Connection strives to provide opportunities for women to draw closer to God, fellowship with one another and empower them to walk in their calling in order to serve and reach others for Christ within our community and at a global level.
Ministries include:
Root 66 - Women’s Bible Study on the third Monday of every month at 6 pm
Coffee Connection - Fellowship and fun on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 6 pm
Fierce Women’s Conference - our annual conference hosted on the last weekend of February
WOW ( Wives of Warriors) - a support and encouragement group for the spouses of our soldiers. Meets on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm

Volunteer Groups
We have many volunteer groups that provide opportunities for people to use their talents, find and fulfill a purpose and make a difference in the life of someone else. These groups range from Bible and book studies to support groups, to hospitality, serve, and care groups, They also include arts, music, dance, and missions. We encourage everyone here to find a place where they can share their gift of life with others.
Kid's Connection
Kid’s Connection starts with the littlest ones through the fifth graders. Our vision is to partner with parents to be a second spiritual influence intentionally winning the heart of your child to Jesus. We lead with the same end in mind - for your child to know and love God. Our approach is to connect children to God through interactive worship, prayer, Bible stories, and relationships. We are also sensitive to special needs children and have ministry workers equipped to help them. We want Sunday to be the BEST DAY of your child’s week!

College Ministry
Our young adult ministry is where our young adults come together collectively to develop their faith and to support each other through the newly found trials of “adulting”. In Converge, young adults talk openly about what they believe in and are encouraged to bring any questions they may have about God, faith, and everyday life. There is also plenty of food to be eaten and many adventures to be had between fun trips and community outreaches.

Men's Ministries
Our mission is to create an uplifting atmosphere where men can come together to strengthen, encourage and build one another up. Our Men’s Ministry helps men to develop a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and each other in order to be Godly examples to our families, community, church and the world.
Ministries include:
Men of Honor - breakfast on the second Saturday of the month at 9 am
The Forge - fellowship and fun on the third Saturday evening of each month